English translation for "contact with somebody"
- 与某人联系
Related Translations:
somebody: n.有相当身分的人,重要人物。 think oneself to be (a) somebody 自以为是个大人物。 nobodies posing as somebodies 冒充大人物的小人物。pron.某人,有人。 S- has disclosed the secret. 有人把秘密泄露出去了。 General S- 某某将军。 Call a taxi, somebo
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | " hey , let ' s try to get in contact with somebody else that kills a lot of people . “嗨,我们应该去联系同样是杀人如麻的人” | | 2. | Contact with somebody 与某人联系 | | 3. | The enterprise wants to get into contact with somebody with experience and competence , who is able to manufacture such a machine in accordance with specifications from the enterprise 需方企业想直接与有经验有能力的人联系,并且能够根据所给的规格制造机械设备 |
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